LinkedList implements List

LinkedList implements List, Queue:- Linked Lists are a very common way of storing arrays of data. The major benefit of linked lists is that you do not specify a fixed size for your list. The more elements you add to the chain, the bigger the chain gets. .When accessed via the Queue interface, LinkedList behaves as a FIFO queue.

Linked list implementation of the List interface. Implements all optional list operations, and permits all elements (including null). In addition to implementing the List interface, the LinkedList class provides uniformly named methods to get, remove and insert an element at the beginning and end of the list. These operations allow linked lists to be used as a stack, queue, or double-ended queue (deque).
Note that this implementation is not synchronized.

import java.util.*;
class LinkedListDemo {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// create a linked list
LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();
// add elements to the linked list
ll.add(1, "A2");
System.out.println("Original contents of ll: " + ll);
// remove elements from the linked list
System.out.println("Contents of ll after deletion: "
+ ll);
// remove first and last elements
System.out.println("ll after deleting first and last: "
+ ll);
// get and set a value
Object val = ll.get(2);
ll.set(2, (String) val + " Changed");
System.out.println("ll after change: " + ll);
The output from this program is shown here:
Original contents of ll: [A, A2, F, B, D, E, C, Z]
Contents of ll after deletion: [A, A2, D, E, C, Z]
ll after deleting first and last: [A2, D, E, C]
ll after change: [A2, D, E Changed, C]

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Wouldn't ArrayList be a more common way of storing an array of data.

Which operations are optional?

I would suggest you format your code to make it easier to read.

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