Plan how to protect the database, including the online redo log files, control files, data files, archived redo log files, and provide a backup strategy.
Control Files
For the sake of safety, you should create at least two control files on two different disks.
Online Redo Log Files
The online redo log files of a database should consist of multiplexed groups of online redo log files. A group of log files consists of identical copies, which should be located on different disks. To distinguish between groups and their members, use a name such as log0101.log or log01a.log.
Data Files
Name data files by relating to the contents as the root of the name—for example, data files such as system01.dbf, temp01.dbf, and users01.dbf on Unix. Consider the characteristics of the data to be stored before determining the structure appropriate for your database, in order to:
Minimize fragmentation
Minimize disk contention
Separate objects
To minimize fragmentation of the database, you should separate database objects with different life spans, such as application data and temporary data, into different tablespaces. To ensure well-balanced I/O loads, you should separate objects with competing I/O requirements, such as tables and indexes, into different tablespaces.