Unemployment hits 5 million mark in Spain

Unemployment in Spain passed the five million mark in the last quarter of 2011, official figures show.

The National Statistics Institute said 5.3 million people were out of work at the end of December, up from 4.9 million in the third quarter.

The rate rose from 21.5% in the third quarter to 22.8% - the highest rate in nearly 17 years.

Spain already has the highest jobless rate in the 17-nation eurozone and is expected to slide back into recession.

The 22.8% rate is more than twice the average unemployment rate of the eurozone, which stood at 10.3% in November, according to data released earlier this month.

The Spanish figures show more than half of all 16-24 year-olds in the country are jobless - 51.4% compared with 45.8% before.

Spain's new ruling Popular Party conservative government has pledged labour reforms to try to imporve the jobs market.

Spain has struggled since the property bubble burst in 2008.

In the years between 2004 and 2008, the average house price in Spain rose 44%, Construction represented about 16% of GDP by the end of the boom, and the unemployment rate was down to 7.95%

Create Table in BAAN ERP

1st Method
The purpose of the Create Tables (ttaad4230m000) session is to create tables by company and package.
Menu: BAAN IV Tools / Database Management / Miscellaneous
Session: Create Tables (ttaad4230m000)

2nd Method
Step1: First create domain if you don't want to use exixting domians.
Step2: After creating new domains, convert them to runtime data dictionary and log out the     BAAN
Step3:Now create new tables based on new domains because table structure is dependent on domains.
Step4: Convert them to Runtime Data dictionary and after this log out the BAAN again for saving the changes.
Step5: There is one option in Special in maintain domain and table definition in BAAN tools. Under Special there is one option create table , from where you can create table if you don't want to use 1st Method.

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Maintaining Database Definition

The purpose of the Maintain Database Definitions (ttaad4110m000) session is to define databases, database description types, mirroring specifications, audit trail generation, and whether or not a remote server is utilized.
Menu: BAAN IV Tools / Database Management / Maintenance
Session: Maintain Database Definitions (ttaad4110m000)

Important Fields

  • Database
  • Database Type
  • Audit Trail
You do not have to run this session very often, since these things are set up at installation. 
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Create Company

The purpose of the Maintain Companies (ttaad1100m000) session is to define company numbers, specify first day of week, default currency and the package combinations to be used by the company.
Menu: BAAN IV Tools / Application Configuration
Session: Maintain Companies (ttaad1100m000)

Database Management in BAAN ERP

BAAN applications store data in tables. This data is modified, processed, and printed using several different sessions. BAAN Tools offers tremendous flexibility regarding data storage.

Database Management Procedure

Database Management Overview

BAAN is database and hardware independent. In other words, you can store your data in BAAN Base, Oracle, Informix, and other formats. Moreover, this data can be stored on the machine where BAAN is started or on one or more remote machines on your network. The format and location of data is totally transparent to your application.

Database Management within a Package Combination

Files in the directory structure that give information about the databases are listed:
  • tabledef6.1 What kind of database is used
  • isamdef.1 Where are the Isam tables
  • auditdef6.1 Where are the audit files
  • compnr6.1 A list of shared tables
  • ddOPER The database independent model for this Package Combination
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O2 apologised for technical problem

O2 has apologised for a technical problem which caused users' phone numbers to be disclosed when using its mobile data. The company said it normally only passed numbers to "trusted partners". A problem during routine maintenance meant that from 10 January numbers could have been seen by other websites.

"We investigated, identified and fixed it this afternoon. We would like to apologise for the concern we have caused," the company said.

The Information Commissioner's Office had said that it would speak to O2 "to better understand what has happened".

In a blog post the company said: "We are in contact with the Information Commissioner's office, and we will be co-operating fully."

Different Method Using VRC Management

The procedure begins with the creation of a new package combination and new package VRCs.  The developers and their company number are linked to the new package combination.  Runtime help information for the new VRCs are created, and the developer data is modified.  Next, the normal users are linked to the former development package combination.  Their company numbers are also linked to this new package combination.  Finally, the changes in user data are converted to runtime.
The result of this procedure is a new development package combination, which is used by the developers.  The former development package combination has become the new live package combination, which is used by the normal users.

Software components can be exported from one VRC and imported into another.  In this procedure, software components of a certain development VRC are released by exporting them to sequential files.  These files can be imported into a different VRC.  Next, the copied software components are compiled, dumped, or converted to runtime.  Finally, the runtime help of the copied components must be dumped.

Customized software components are normally created in a development environment.  Normal users cannot use these software components, because these users are linked to a package combination, which contains other package VRCs than the development environment.  After testing, the customized components are released for use by normal users.

Package VRC

A Package VRC is a package, which is indicated by a VRC. Within each PVRC, various components can be created and/or modified. The advantages of using PVRCs are:

  • standard software cannot be overwritten
  • new software components can be developed and tested in a protected environment before releasing them to production
  • a PVRC does not contain all software components, only new or changed components
  • development authorizations can be set by PVRC

The software components that can be created and/or modified within PVRCs are:

  • Labels
  • Forms
  • Menus
  • Reports
  • Sessions
  • Functions (Include Files)
  • Program Scripts
  • Messages
  • Questions
  • Domains
  • Table Definitions
  • Dynamic Link Libraries
  • Charts

Package Combination
A Package Combination is a combination of individual PVRCs, but only one VRC from each package.
A working environment is determined by:
  • package combination code
  • various PVRCs
  • company number(s)
  • users
Assigning a Package combination to a user in a company:
This slide depicts two environments: a Production environment (OPER) and a Design Environment (DSGN). The Design Environment is based on the Production Environment because of the derived from structure of the Package VRCs. Everything that is created in the Design Environment will not affect the production environment unless it is released. 

Users are linked to a Package Combination in order to find the software components at runtime. 
Developers will create/modify software components. To be able to run the software components, the developer is linked to a package combination like the user. But in order to create new software components, the developer needs a Current Package VRC.  If authorized, the developer can switch between Package VRCs.

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Version Release Customization(VRC) in BAAN ERP

Unlike conventional products, such as cars or furniture, computer software is dynamic in nature. Rapid technological advancement, changing customer requirements, bug fixes, etc., make it imperative for software houses to regularly introduce newer versions of their software. Failure to do so would be disastrous for customers as well as the software house.
However, managing these different versions, their corresponding releases, and all the different customizations performed on them becomes a nightmarish task.

Different kinds of Software

BAAN software is divided into packages. There can be:

  • Standard Software
  • Localizations
  • Line of Business
  • Customizations
  • Own 

The bshell usually searches for a software component from the outside to the inside (see Figure ) .  First, the bshell searches for any own customization for that component.  If there is no own customization, the bshell searches for a customer-specific customization, and so on.  The search path, however, is not the same for all users depending on the package combination to which the user is linked.

Components of a Package VRC

V (Version) - indicates a major change in the software
R (Release) - indicates a minor change or new enhancement
C (Customization) - indicates a customer extension, which uses the customer’s initials

Types of Software:
VRC management can be used to distinguish between various types of software. Baan delivers standard and localization packages. The customer has the option to customize the software to meet their specific needs.
A VRC should be coded using the following legend:
  • L:  Localization
  • B:  Line of business specific
  • C: Customization developed by a third party
  • O:  In-house customization
Rules: When creating a new package VRC that is derived from a standard or localization VRC, you must include one of the letters from the previous legend.
For example:
Existing VRC = tiB40a
New VRC = tiB40Ca cus

Package VRC Deviation Structure

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Google + now allows nicknames

Google has relaxed a requirement that real names be used for making a Google+ profile, allowing people to use nicknames or pseudonyms.

Google said it would also allow maiden names and names in non-Latin scripts.The search giant would, however, ask people to provide proof that they are known by that alternate name.

The proof may include a reference in a news article or a link to a blog with a "meaningful following."
Google+ rival, Facebook, requires real names. Some social networks have been reluctant to permit alternate names, arguing that real names improve trust.

No plans to bring down Facebook on 28 Jan

A Twitter account linked to the hacker group Anonymous denied that the group had released a video calling on the public to launch a cyber-attack on Facebook.

An online war has begun between Anonymous, the people, and the government of the United States," the video narrator says."While SOPA and PIPA may be postponed from Congress, this does not guarantee that our Internet rights will be upheld.

The video called on supporters to download a tool that launches denial of service attacks on targeted websites, and said that if enough people joined the effort, it could bring down Facebook, even though it has over 60,000 servers

Limitations of generics

In this section we will try to find out some of the limitations in use of generics.
  • By this time you must have understood the possible applicability of generics. Generics are used mainly when one object contains other object. It may be a simple class or a collection. You can add restriction on what can be added to other class. It is not possible to add such a restriction in other ways of reusing e.g. inheritance.
  • Generics work on objects and not on primitive data types.
  • When the instances of certain declared classes are injected using Dependency Injection (say using Spring), then you can have partial usage of generics i.e. only the declarations will be made using generics, but actual instantiation depends on if the injection supports generics.
  • Generics reduce the polymorphic nature of code. At compile time only, we finalize the concrete data types to be dealt with, this leaves little opportunity for runtime alteration.

Example comparing the legacy with generic styles

Legacy non-generic example   
// Typical Collections usage before Java 5
List greetings = new ArrayList();
greetings.add("We come in peace.");
greetings.add("Take me to your leader.");
greetings.add("Resistance is futile.");

Iterator it = greetings.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
    String aGreeting = (String)it.next();

Same example using generics
    // Same example using generics.
List<String> greetings = new ArrayList<String>();
greetings.add("We come in peace.");
greetings.add("Take me to your leader.");
greetings.add("Resistance is futile.");

Iterator<String> it = greetings.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
    String aGreeting = it.next();  // No downcast.

Google plans to 'Combine' your user data

Google is planning to rewrite its privacy policy to grant it explicit rights to "combine personal information" across multiple products and services. Previously, it had only implicit rights to do so.

Beginning March 1, the activities and data of a Google user who is signed in will be used to provide a "simpler, more intuitive" experience for users across all the Google services, according to a post on the Official Google blog.

For instance, Google searches may take into consideration context of searches based on the user information and activities, such as knowing that an import car buff would want "Jaguar" the car rather than the big cat of the same name, a video in the post explains. And auto-correct may suggest spellings when a user is typing in Google Docs or Gmail based on prior content they have created.

"It may even be able to tell you when you'll be late for a meeting based on your location, your calendar and local weather conditions," the video says. "All of which means we're not just keeping your private stuff private. We're making it more useful to you in your daily life too."
The changes will roll out along with modifications to the company's privacy policies and terms of service. Google's 60 privacy policies for its different services are being rolled into one uber privacy policy that the company said is designed to be simpler and easier to understand. The terms of service are also being rewritten and consolidated.

In some cases, such as for financial services like Google Wallet, a product may be regulated by industry-specific privacy laws and require detailed descriptions of our practices," the FAQ says. "In others, like Chrome, we simply wanted to explain our privacy practices specific to those products in more detail. In these cases we chose to keep product-specific notices rather than clutter up the main Privacy Policy

Facebook wants ceglia to pick up $84k in leagl fees

Facebook lawyers have asked a judge to order Paul Ceglia to pick up more than $84,000 in legal fees.

Ceglia, the man who claims a contract with CEO Mark Zuckerberg entitles him to a 50 percent stake in the social network, was fined $5,000 earlier this month over delays in making his e-mails available in his case against Facebook. He was also ordered to pay reasonable attorneys' fees.
Facebook also asked Leslie G. Foschio, the federal magistrate for Buffalo, N.Y., to order Ceglia not to file any additional "non-responsive papers or pleadings
 in the case" until he pays the fees.

Ceglia's lawyer, Dean Boland, told the Los Angeles Times that he had not had time to study the filing but indicated he felt the lawyers' rates were excessive. Facebook's chief counsel in the case, Orin Snyder, charged $716.25 an hour, while his most junior associate charged $337.50 an hour, the Times reported.
"If we feel it ought to be modified, we will respond accordingly," Boland told the newspaper. "Cleveland and Buffalo are pretty identical demographically, and I can tell you that no lawyer would survive in the city of Cleveland charging that much an hour because no one would be able to hire him."

Ceglia was ordered to hand over his e-mails account and passwords last August. After he failed to do so, Facebook filed a motion requesting an order compelling him to do so. That hearing also revealed that Ceglia's attorney at the time, Jeffrey Lake, was told by Ceglia that he wouldn't comply with the order.
Lake soon withdrew from the case, becoming the latest in a string of attorneys who stopped representing Ceglia since he initially filed a lawsuit against Facebook and Zuckerberg in 2010. Ceglia claims he and Zuckerberg entered into a contract in 2003 to design and develop the Web site that would ultimately become Facebook--a company now with an estimated value of $100 billion.


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